Bomaderry PS has a proud history of supporting students with disabilities and additional needs in Support Classes within a mainstream school environment.
The school has a focus on personalised learning early identification and intervention supports that are planned and strategic in order to achieve the highest outcomes possible for student engagement, wellbeing and learning.
Personal student information is translated into goals, which are ‘aimed for' by both school and family. These goals are achieved by collaboration and by using explicit feedback and support. A team approach of making positive links with families, community and agencies to support our diverse range of students in their educational, social and emotional wellbeing.
The Support Unit at Bomaderry PS currently has 5 support classes providing a supportive and nurturing learning environment which assists all students to achieve their personal best. Our Support classes provide intensive, individualised education programs within a regular school setting.
There is one Special Education Teacher and one School Learning Support Officer for each of the classes. The Support Unit is supervised by the Assistant Principal Support, the Learning Support Team and School Principal.
Students are recommended for placement in a support class following consideration of all available educational options by the Learning Support Team, in close consultation with the parents or caregivers. Placement is subject to suitable vacancies, eligibility criteria and the placement panel process.
Support classes at Bomaderry PS
Early Intervention Unit
This pre-school service promotes learning through educational programs for children with disabilities who are below school age. Children from age 3 years to school entry who have a disability are eligible for the early intervention support class service. Each EIU session consists of 7 students, one Teacher and one School Learning Support officer (SLSO).
Early Intervention aims to:
- support families in facilitating the development and care of their child
- provide quality educational programs for children
- support the coordination of interdisciplinary services to children and families
- achieve coordinated transition to school procedures
- meet the individual needs of each child.
One of the benefits of operating the EIU within a large school environment is able to access a range of school experiences and settings. EIU pre-schoolers will have the opportunity to meet teachers and visit the library, playground, other support classes and canteen on a regular basis.
Intellectually Mild
The IM Support class provides support for students in Year 3 to 6 with mild intellectual disability and provides intensive support to students to facilitate their access to the curriculum, via a Personalised Learning Support Plan (PLSP). This class caters for a maximum of 18 students and has an identified Aboriginal SLSO. Students are eligible for enrolment if they are eight years of age and must have a mild intellectual disability.
Intellectually Moderate and Severe
BPS has two (IO/IS) support classes which provide intensive, Personalised Learning Support Plans within the regular school context. The aim of these support classes is to maximise learning outcomes and opportunities for students with moderate or severe intellectual disability to participate within the school and community through the provision of intensive personalised learning and support. Students eligible for a support class (IO/IS) placement must have a moderate or severe intellectual disability. Each class has a maximum of 10 students.
Multi-categorical classes will support up to 3 types of disabilities. Each class will have a base of 10 students, with a factor of need relating to the disability of each student. Currently our MC class has 7 students ranging from Year 1 to 5. The MC support class works closely with our IO/IS classes and the aim is also to maximise learning outcomes and opportunities for students with a range of disability to participate within the school and community through the provision of intensive personalised learning and support plans.
Additional Information
The Support Unit at Bomaderry PS is set in an inclusive environment. Students in the Support Unit classes:
- access the same curriculum as all students in NSW. Teachers collaboratively plan content and lessons are adjusted to individual student learning needs.
- access learning in English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, History, Geography, Creative and Practical Arts and PDHPE (Personal Development, Health and Physical Education).
- participate in weekly swimming, computer and library lessons.
- participate in whole school activities which include assemblies, swimming and athletics carnivals, Doing Things Together Day, Stage and Leisure sport, and Presentation Days.
- have the opportunity to access SRC (Student Representative Council), PSSA sports competition, dance groups, choir, school camps and grade excursions.
- play in the general playground with children from all classes. Depending on their need, some students have SLSO support during breaks.
- individual Integration Programs are designed around individual student strengths to access the regular curriculum within their grade group.
- PLSPs are developed and implemented collaboratively. Class teachers, parents, therapists and other professionals are involved. The PLPs require ongoing monitoring and regular reappraisal
- meetings are held with key stakeholders.

View our gallieries for examples of student work such as: